Set back distance for gate and engineering civil service with solved example
Every point on highway adequate sight distance will be available on a horizontal curve. In the horizontal curve is a location which could be the problem of side distance so adequate sight distance must be installed on a horizontal curve for safe and efficient movement of traffic. See problem of Sight distance on a horizontal curve because of obstruction at the inner is of horizontal curve. Seeing the image due to some buildings we are not able to see line AB. We are only able to see line AC so this is the obstruction at the horizontal curve. Obstructions such as building trees, cutting slopes etc along the net are responsible. On a narrow Road TV side distance is measured along the centre line of the road and on wider Road decide distance is measured along the centre line of the inner side line. Setback distance depends on the value of the required side distance, radius of curvature and length of curve. Generally two case are considered for analysis of setback di...