What is stopping sight distance - some popular example
Sight distance - when we move on the road then how much visible length available on the road is called sight distance. It is the total distance available on the road not perpendicular distance. Perpendicular distance available on road between user and object is called line of sight (LOS).
Type of sight distance
SSD = Stopping Sight Distance
OSD = overtaking Sight Distance
ISD = Intermediate Sight Distance
HSD= HeadLight Sight Distance
Let's understand what is stopping sight distance
Stopping sight distance = It is a minimum distance or available distance on the road to stop the vehicle safely without any collision is called SSD. We also called non passing sight distance and people also called absolute minimum sight distance or head light sight distance.
In the above image you have seen, stopping sight distance is the sum of leg distance plus braking distance.
Leg distance
Braking Distance
So equation of SSD is
SSD = V×t + V×V/2gfb
b = is breaking efficiency
When a vehicle is moving on slope or gradient.
Upward moving and Downward Moving
Overtaking sight distance
One a two way traffic road the speed of overtaking and overtaken vehicles are 65 and 40 kmph respectively. If the Average acceleration of overtaking vehicle is 0.92 m/s^2 then determine overtaking sight distance and minimum length of overtaking zone.
Example two
Calculate the safe stopping sight distance for design speed of 50 km/hr for two way traffic on a two lane road and two way traffic on single lane road. Given f = 0.37 and t = 2.5 sec
Example 3
A vehicle moving at speed of 60 kmph on an ascending gradient of highway has to come to a stop position to avoid collision with a stationary object. The ratio of leg to break distance is 6/5, considering total reaction time and the coefficient of longitudinal friction as 0.36, the value of ascending gradient is