What mistakes do we repeat every day while cleaning our stomach in the morning?

Morning time is necessary for defecation, in the morning if the stomach is not completely clean then we feel tired and tired throughout the day. In today's youth, the tendency to not get timely defecation is being seen, the condition of not being able to relieve on time is also common among the youth and older people. This problem is common not only among men but also among women and women.

We sit in the morning knowing many stools and making many mistakes in knowing which affects our health….

Let us know….

  • The best time to go to the toilet is from 05 AM to 06 AM, because at this time there is an outbreak of air in our body which is necessary to move the stool down, at this time, bowel movement is very easy.
  • The person who goes to bowel movement for a long time has to sit in the toilet for that long time, which is very harmful for the intestines and rectum.
  • It is also common in many people to forget not to drink water before having a bowel movement in the morning, while we should go for a bowel movement in the morning by drinking 2 glasses of cold or lukewarm water so that your body's disorders can go away.
  • If a person is not accustomed to going to the toilet in the morning or gets late in the morning, the rule of drinking 2 glasses of water is also applicable for them.
  • In many people and young people, the habit of drinking tea and going for stitches is being seen since the old times, you should change this habit soon because, in the morning sunrise, your body starts to have an excess of acid to balance it. Alkali is required, understand in easy language, tea is a terrible acid which increases the body's acid rapidly, which increases the temperature of the body, causes the stomach to deteriorate and more than 100 diseases are formed which are slowly occurring in the body. Encircle
  • The simplest solution is to rinse, drink 2 to 3 glasses of lukewarm water, and toothache neem.
  • Drinking water will dilute the acid and saliva or alkali formed in the mouth will balance the acid as soon as it goes into your stomach, which will keep you from diseases. Due to the use of neem, saliva in the mouth becomes more and more, due to which the stomach acid is balanced and you never become a patient.
  • Do not use toothpaste in the morning because, as soon as toothpaste is done, the taste and saliva in the mouth decreases completely, which affects the whole body and body functions, not having saliva or less becomes 60 kinds of diseases. Of which, mouth cancer, ulcers, and reduced salivation may be permanent.
  • Tooth brush or normal household brush can be done.
  • Carrying mobile in the toilet or carrying religious / non-religious magazines to read is completely inappropriate and it is extremely disgusting. Due to this, the person does not know the time and he is forcibly sitting.
  • Do not take the name or name of your favorite deity related to your religion in the toilet .. (Some people consider it normal, but it is not appropriate.)
  • Calm the mind in the toilet and concentrate on the action of the toilet and immerse it quickly and easily.
  • Some people leave the toilet in 2 to 3 minutes, due to which they have to go to the toilet several times throughout the day. The main reason for this is not clearing the stomach at once.
  • Many people are sitting with a desire to defecate for a long time due to some disease or problem of constipation, etc. Forcibly sitting in the toilet is harmful when there is no prolonged defecation.
  • The toilet should not go again and again, only when it is desired.
  • Some stomach patients rush for stitches soon after having food, the patient of that stomach should get proper treatment. The body of such patient is lean, fast tired, low power and holding thin semen, he has wrong habits, external eating eater and is frustrated with his life.
  • Do not talk in the toilet, because the germs of the toilet enter the mouth.
  • Some toilet are very small and lack of proper light and air, so it can be very uncomfortable.
  • Not keeping sanitation of the toilet can cause discomfort to other people or outsiders and it is a danger for your honor too.
  • Some people spit Gutka etc. in the toilet, this is also very bad, the toilet should be used only for the toilet.
  • Oral diseases are aggravated by not keeping the mouth closed during stools.
  • Analgesia, liver and genital diseases are also aggravated by the emphasis on not having clear stomach.
  • Intestines are also weakened by taking stomach cleansing medicines at night.
  • Not having to clean the anus properly before excreting, it blocks the anus by drying the stool.
  • Do not clean the anus by water or keep it clean in other ways.
  • Water should not be drunk after getting rid of starch.
  • Constipation is caused by not going to the toilet when pressure comes. Diseases are formed by stopping the heat.
  • After coming from the toilet, not washing the hands with medicated or ordinary soap or rushing in a hurry, the stool remains there and diseases emerge.
  • The eyes should be washed with water after starching, this does not hurt the eyes.
  • Diseases are also caused by not bathing or rinse. Diseases emerge due to not washing hands and feet.


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