Good for you if you have those long, beautiful healthy hair that we all dream of. We all dream to acquire those beautiful locks but achieving that is always a struggle. Having that long and silky mane is the dream of many, it makes you feel like the perfect mannequin there can be. We all want that picture-perfect hairstyle in our lives. But girls, come back to reality. We all know that love-hate relationship we have with our hair. Spending long hours in the salon just to look somewhat presentable is not something we all fancy. Remember those tangles, endless split ends, clogged drains, and food that always somehow ends up on our hair. Somewhere in our heart, we all know that we want to own it but the struggles that come with maintaining it is too much. At some point in our life, we have become accustomed to our long ringlets and curls so much that now it has become a part of our us. It’s a saga that continues.

 Here is a list of tragedies …uhm struggles we all have faced because of our hair. 

1.No need for the gym when you have long hair Girls you’re lucky if you have never spent your precious morning hours styling your hair. Don’t tell me that it doesn’t take you almost an hour to at least get all those tangles out of your hair. Styling your hair is another task. It feels like a day worth of exercise in the gym when you have to straighten, blow-dry, or curl your hair.

2. High risk of choking because of your hair in sleep. In movies, it looks so dreamy to see actresses sleep with their long hair open but the reality is far from it. If you decide to sleep with your hair untied, you are digging your own grave. If you want a night full of huffing and puffing, then leave your hair untied and see it for yourself, the author doesn’t make any guarantees for a peaceful goodnight sleep in that case. 

3. The ‘magical’ ability of your hair to clog up the drains! Your hair is seriously the most magical element there could be, not to mention, if you lived at Hogwarts, your hair strands would be the most used in Polyjuice portions. Girls out there with long hair you all yourself know that you have that ‘magical’ ability to turn your bathroom into a fullfledged swimming pool.

4. Your hair is enough to come in between your loved one It gets annoying when your partner has to taste your hair every time they want to lean for a kiss, a hug, or even just a whisper of sweet nothings in your ear. Your hair maybe your best feature but it’s also best in making your relations a bittersweet journey. 

5. You have strange nemeses. Wanna put on a pretty dress? Perfect but not before it gets stuck in the zipper. Feeling like a long drive, don’t forget to put on the seatbelt with your hair. Wanna enjoy the wind? Your hair wants that too! Velcro, buckles, zipper, buttons-even the tree branches! - they all are hungry nemeses!

6. That one special ingredient IN ALL YOUR RECIPES! Food is made with love but girls with long hair always seem to find that one special ingredient in their food that is a strand of hair. And whether it’s our own or not, it’s not a pleasant sight. One major problem is that the hair always seems to be shredding and it gets 10 times more embarrassing when you are the only one with long hair…. there’s nobody you can blame, you know right? From scrunchies to expensive shampoos, we have tried them all but still seem to struggle with this bittersweet relationship. Do you have those ‘’beautiful and silky’’ locks? Share your hilarious experience below…


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