If a pitcher filled with gold coins is found in the digging of the house, then how much of it is legally obtained by the recipient?


The childhood memories were refreshed as soon as the name of the treasure was in question, when we used to scrape the ground with tree twigs, and as soon as the stems broke, we would be happy that the stems were broken by hitting a pot full of gold, now The excavation expedition caught pace and knew how to keep the secret, even then only special friends and friends would be involved in the digging, when after 1 or one and a half feet deep and exhausting digging, nothing seems to get tired, weary losers are sad Coming home and telling the mother the whole story, the mother said, son, you have made a while, but the treasure was the same, but the dwarves (small humans) living in the earth must have taken it.

In this way, we were always motivated to search, but regret was never treasured. Now you have asked the question, so who knows when someone gets the treasure, so I will tell you who will get the treasury buried by law.

I would like to ask you an interesting question before answering. How many of you have received any item or rupee above Rs 10? Because anyone who has got any item or rupees above Rs 10, all such people have got the treasure under the Treasure Trove Act 1878. See, do not laugh, I am telling the truth, according to the above act, if you get an item or money above the price of 10 rupees, then it is considered a treasure.

Now when the treasure is more than 10 rupees, the item should be worth 11 rupees or 11 lakh rupees, or a pot full of gold coins. The Treasure Trove Act will apply to everyone and the government will dispose of such treasures according to this law.

Now let me tell you according to the above law in easy language that if you get any property worth more than 10 rupees then because it is a treasure according to the above act, then you will get written information of the treasury found (DM) to whom the District Collector or District Magistrate is also called.

After receiving such written information, the District Magistrate will deposit that treasure in the Government Treasury ie Treasury.

Now DM will inquire about this treasure and after determining its price, by publishing information in the newspaper, it will be tried to know if there is any real treasurer.

Now if someone is the real claimant of the treasure then he will have to prove the claim that this treasure is his, the treasure will be handed over to him if the claim is proved. And if he is unable to prove his claim or if no claimant comes forward in due time, then the Collector will distribute the treasury in half, between the finder of the treasury and the owner of the place where the treasury is found, or if the treasury If it is of national importance, then the government will take that treasure and will give money in exchange for the treasure.

Now, if the treasure has been found in your own land, by you, and it has no claimant, even the real owner. Then you will get the value of the whole treasure or treasure.

Now let the respected readers know that, because getting property above 10 rupees means getting a legal treasury, and it is mandatory to give written notice of such treasury, if not given the information can lead to 6 months imprisonment and fine. So now who are the readers who have got more than 10 rupees as a treasure and you did not inform them.


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