Morning time is necessary for defecation, in the morning if the stomach is not completely clean then we feel tired and tired throughout the day. In today's youth, the tendency to not get timely defecation is being seen, the condition of not being able to relieve on time is also common among the youth and older people. This problem is common not only among men but also among women and women. We sit in the morning knowing many stools and making many mistakes in knowing which affects our health…. Let us know…. The best time to go to the toilet is from 05 AM to 06 AM, because at this time there is an outbreak of air in our body which is necessary to move the stool down, at this time, bowel movement is very easy. The person who goes to bowel movement for a long time has to sit in the toilet for that long time, which is very harmful for the intestines and rectum. It is also common in many people to forget not to drink water before having a bowel movement in the morning, while we should g...