10 Bad Habits You Must Eliminate If You Want A Happy Life

This bad habit affects nearly every organ in your body. It can lead to heart disease, cancer, diabetes, stroke, bronchitis, emphysema, and other health problems. ... And if you spend a lot of time around someone who smokes, you're more likely to have asthma, heart disease, lung cancer, or a stroke. Most bad habits are caused by one of two things: being stressed or bored. Most of the time, bad habits are simply a way of dealing with stress and/or boredom. ... Of course, sometimes the stress or boredom that is on the surface is actually caused by deeper issues.

Why it is hard to break a habits?

Bad habits are really just bugs in the system and with a few dedicated techniques; it is perfectly possible to deprogram them. Our brains work on a trigger and reward basis—the so-called “habit loop”—which means it is easy to slip into a routine and difficult to fight back when the undesired behavior occurs.

10 Bad Habits You Must Eliminate If You Want A Happy LifeSmoking.

  • Swearing
  • Picking your nose (Better than picking someone else's nose)
  • Biting your fingernails.
  • Drinking too much coffee (Wait...this is a bad habit? Uh oh...)
  • Watching reality TV.
  • Fast food.
  • Alcohol.
  • Stress Eating. I used to be a serious stress eater. ... 
  • Nail Biting. ... 
  • Hanging out with Naysayers. ... 
  • Being with People Who Don't Appreciate You. ... 
  • Eating Too Much Red Meat.

Here are top 6 good habits for a students?

Try to eat a healthy breakfast in the morning no matter what. ... 

Have a positive attitude. ... 

Give yourself a break. ... 

Give yourself a reward whenever you achieve a tough goal. ... 

Stay physically active. ... 

Do your best to have proper time management.

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